Pray for Israel And The Peace Of Jerusalem


  We lift Israel before YOU LORD as we pray for the Peace of Jerusalem as we 

mark the First Anniversary of the horrific invasion of the Southern Border 

by Hamas on 7 October 2023.

We pray for those who are still held hostage in Gaza by these terrorist 

monsters, and pray that the LORD the GOD of Israel will shine HIS light

upon the Captives and facilitate their return to their loved ones in Israel and 

beyond .

  Grant LORD that the  Government and the Military Forces of Israel will 

 continue to  stand  firm and   prevail in the face of the unrighteous actions

    of the Governments  and anti- GOD factions of this World who falsely call 

themselves allies of Israel.

Be Strong and of good courage  AM YISRAEL CHAI.

 The situation for Israel and the Middle East, is ongoing, the ICC continues to   threaten to issue arrest warrants for the Prime Minister of Israel, his Cabinet   and Political and Military leaders, with the implicit support of the Biden   Administration, who also plans to impose sanctions on many in Israel after  
  November 6th 2024. Grant LORD that their plans and purposes will not     stand  and may no weapon forged against Israel, be it physical, Political,     psychological or militarily, PROSPER  this is a time of  dire threat against       Israel, BUT GOD has demonstrated HIS power in Israel through many     miracles , all thanks giving and praise we give to YOU, in JESUS Name. 
 In view of the Word of GOD for Israel, and HIS Word against those who curse   Israel, those who are guilty of this should with trepidation be looking over   their shoulders. Judgement will fall, the LORD does not change HIS mind .
 Thank YOU LORD GOD ALMIGHTY for YOUR faithfulness to those who love   YOU and who hold fast to YOUR Word and who uphold the State and People    of Israel, YOUR First Born Son.

  Please pray for our Brothers and Sisters in MESSIAH YESHUA in these days
  where good is called evil and evil is called good, and pray for the     Governments of this World, and the so called Empire of the USA which is   being brought to an end, the Governments of man will not stand but the 
  true Government of GOD will stand forever.
         Peace be with Israel.. 
 LORD GOD ALMIGHTY be a shield and a bulwark for YOUR people Israel we    know that YOU never slumber nor sleep, we put all our hope and trust in       YOU in the Might of the Name of YESHUA our LORD and SAVIOUR, Amen.

The above video is a commentary on the state of this

World and it's illogical hatred of Israel.

Am Yisrael Chai

The People Of Israel Live

Thank YOU, LORD GOD ALMIGHTY, that YOU continue to

enable and strengthen the Nation of Israel

during this most difficult time.

Thank YOU LORD also for the unity within the Nation 

and the love of the people of Israel, one for the other.

Grant them LORD the victory over their enemies,

Let those who hate Israel be dismayed and shattered according

to YOUR Holy Word.

Pray For The Peace Of Jerusalem. they Shall Prosper Who Love Thee

May Peace Be Within Your Walls

And Tranquility Within Your Palaces

We encourage you all to pray for the People of Israel at this terrible time

for the families of the  victims of the atrocity which took place on October 7th. 

for the wounded and those who remain in captivity, whilst we continue

to pray for those released captives who struggle with all that has 

occurred in their lives, we pray for that the LORD GOD will bless and 

comfort them in their time of great need. 

LORD we pray that YOU will grant healing to those who suffer and 

mourn, and bring back the captives to their families .

For the sake of YOUR Great Name we ask and pray

In the Name of  JESUS our LORD and SAVIOUR

You can now join us on Telegram at EPIPHANY Ministries Tasmania

A Short Message To The World

 For Such A Time As This

Do not let your heart be troubled; Believe in GOD , believe also in ME.

In MY FATHER'S House are many dwelling places;

if it were not so, I would have told you; 

For I go to prepare a place for you.

If I go to prepare a place for you,

I will come again and receive you to MYSELF,  


That where I AM, there you may be also...       ..John 14:1-3  (NASB)

For God So Loved The World

                     That He gave  His only begotten  Son           John 3:16 

   We celebrate the Church which belongs to our LORD and SAVIOUR , JESUS MESSIAH, Who has sent       the Holy Spirit to be our Guide and help until the end  of the CHURCH  AGE, when the full number of            the  Gentiles is brought in.

   We pray for YOUR soon return LORD JESUS, we pray for YOUR  Church, YOUR   Bride and for the                   Remnant in Israel, that we will be found ready, chaste   and looking upward, on the day of                             YOUR visitation.

                  So we say MaranathaCome Soon LORD JESUS, Name.

 Dear Friends  

 Be filled with Holy Spirit in love and understanding. We, along with all who are associated with this   Ministry lift each one of you in  prayer, counting you as part of this loving group, as part of the Body     of  MESSIAH, and servants of our LORD.


          As we wait in joyful hope for the coming of our Bridegroom


                                  Maranatha, Come LORD JESUS


    Because we love the Word of GOD,  we at Epiphany Ministries 

are careful to use only reliable translations of the Bible.

So with this in mind we are pleased to use the 

LEGACY STANDARD  translation of GOD's Holy Word unless otherwise advised.

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