As long as the Jewish spirit is yearning deep in the heart,
With eyes turned toward the East, looking toward Zion,
Then our hope - the two-thousand-year-old hope - will not be lost:
To be a free people in our land, The Land of Zion and Jerusalem.
Finally in these Last Days someone among the Nations has the courage to recognize the true Sovereignty
of ISRAEL, in recognizing JERUSALEM as the true Capital of the Nation.
For GOD has indeed said the HE has made Jerusalem the place for HIS own feet Indeed we give all
praise and glory to HIM the HOLY ONE of Israel
The GOD of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.

Yerushalayim Shel Zahav.mp3
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Israel in the Eyes of God.
In the eyes of God, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, there exists only three Nations on the Earth, which are of consequence to Him.
Certainly God so loved the World that He sent His only Son to bring in the Age of Grace, by His atoning death on the cross of Calvary, at Jerusalem, in Israel.
So, who are these three groups of people.
1. Israel, the Jews, God's chosen people, His earthly inheritance.
2. His Church, His spiritual inheritance, taken first from Israel then from the Gentile Nations. (Romans 1:16.)
3. The Gentiles, everybody else on this earth.
In A.D.70 Jerusalem was destroyed and the Jews scattered. But 1878 years later "The Fig Tree" came
to life again. (see Matthew 24:32-35.)
This was no cosmic accident. The God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob brought Israel back to the land of promise, even in unbelief. (Ezekiel 36:24-27, &39:22-29).
The LORD GOD has done this thing and will sustain His people Israel despite the frantic efforts of the Gentile Nations to destroy His people and drive them back into oblivion by attempting to divide His, God's land and subvert His purpose.
Oh foolish Gentiles, Your leaders pitch their Nations against God, by doing that which they think to be right in their own eyes, trying to divide God's land, Israel, to their own peril. (Read Joel 3:1-2 & Daniel 36:45.
The LORD, Jesus Messiah, the proclaimed and crowned King of Israel is soon to return to His chosen people, Israel.
He will take up His throne on His Holy Mountain, the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, wiped clean of any blasphemous statement or presence, and from there He will rule this World with a rod of Iron.
HE will judge the Church, his Bride.
HE will judge Israel, His people.
HE will judge the Gentile Nations and their ruler.
To the Church we say, don't be arrogant towards Israel. (Romans 11:18-24.)
The Church of Jesus Messiah has not replaced Israel.
We stand because they stumbled and as judgement begins in the House of God via the "Rapture"(who is taken and who is left behind) we should have a love for God's people, Israel.
You wouldn't want to stand before Messiah Jesus and be asked by Him "What is this problem you have with the Jews," would you? After all, Jesus Messiah is Jewish.
Remember the people of Israel are just like any other Nation, they stand in unbelief, BUT God will bring Israel back to Himself when they say "Blessed is He who comes in the Name of the Lord", and they will do this. (See Matthew 23:37 to 24"39
To Israel we say "Your Messiah and King is coming, prepare for Him".
To the Church we say "Look up, your Redemption draweth nigh".
To the Gentiles we say :"For God so loved the World that He gave His only begotten Son that who so ever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life".(John 3:16.)
You must be Born Again (John 3:3.) or you will surely die.
Shalom Haverim.
In The Book of Ruth we see.
Boaz a type and example of Messiah JESUS
Naomi a type or picture of Israel
And Ruth a type or picture of the Church
But we must remember Naomi is Ruth's Mother-in-Law .
Think About It . SELAH!
Pray for the peace of Jerusalem,
They shall prosper who love Thee.
At Epiphany Ministries Tasmania, we uphold and defend the
right of Israel to exist as a Nation before GOD in these Last Days