for Prayer.

Today 14 April 2024.
We are sad to report that the body of Benyamin the shepherd boy has been found.
It is reported that he has been murdered, stoned to death by terrorists while he was out with his families sheep.
Please pray for the family and friends of Benyamin as they seek to live their lives and come to grips with this sad and terrible loss.
Alarms in Israel today.
Iran has launched a series of drone attacks on Israel, they are being intercepted Praise our dear LORD, please keep Israel in your prayers , that by the Grace of GOD no loss of life will ensue from this push by Iran.
LORD YOUR will be done , YOUR Might and Power shown to this sleeping World.
In the Name of JESUS we pray Amen
Our First Prayer is that the Hostages taken by Hamas on October 7th. 2023 will
soon be discovered and brought home to Israel with prayers of thanksgiving and Praise for the LORD GOD of Israel.
We pray for the Families of these poor Captives, comfort them LORD we pray
and for those who have lost Loved Ones, (May Their Memories Be A Blessings ) on that horrific day and also afterward, grant them strength, resilience and YOUR Holy Comfort as they mourn and remember. So many broken hearts LORD, it is hard for us who love Israel to understand .
In view of the recent happenings in this World, in Iran, Ukraine, China, North Korea, and the Middle East, we urge everyone to pray for these Nations.
Lifting up the Christians Jews in every place, where persecution is growing at an ever increasing pace, which has never been seen before, IT IS NOW AT A GLOBAL LEVEL.
Pray too for women and children, for the elderly and for those who seek only to live a peaceful life, to earn a living and raise their families in safety.
Pray too for the U.S.A. in these times of uncertainty and crisis, and for the whole World, as we seek to navigate our way through new and intimidating circumstances.
LORD we lift our hands to YOU on the behalf of those who cannot, and raise our prayers according to YOUR HOLY WILL
This we pray in the precious Name of JESUS our LORD.
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Messiah Jesus.
Please watch all that is happening in Israel and the Middle East in these uncertain days.
Be watchmen on the walls for the sake of Israel and Jerusalem, God's Holy Land, His City and His Holy Mountain the place for His own Feet.
The people of Israel, continue to face perilous times, the ravening wolves are gathering, wanting to put an end to the Sovereign State of Israel, whose People God has brought back to His Holy Land, as He promised .
Pray that Our Father in Heaven, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob will hedge them round, and be a sword before them for defense and a shield behind them for their protection.
Pray, Dear Ones, that no weapon forged against Israel will prosper.
Pray for the I.D.F. that they will continue call on the Name of the Lord in these days of battle, that they will rely only on His might and power and give the Glory to Him.
Because in that day He has promised that it will be undeniably obvious that the victory is not theirs but belongs to GOD.
"They will know there is a God in Israel".
Pray that Her enemies, within Israel and the Nations who gather against Her, will be vanquished as our Lord and Saviour has promised, for He is the God of righteousness and we can rely and trust in every word which He has given us and in every promise which He, the Holy One of Israel has made.
So, Let us pray for Prime Minister Netanyahu ..for strength and endurance, we must pray for unity within the Government, that the LORD GOD will lead them to look to HIM for effective rule and Governance in these difficult days.
We pray for every Israeli Citizen who is working or holidaying away from Israel, and for the Jewish people everywhere for safety.
We lift our prayers for them and for our Christian Brothers and Sisters in similar situations as we see the World darken around us and evil prevail upon the Earth more and more, that we will strive to keep our focus on our LORD JESUS, that we may not grow weary and lose heart.
We pray for the Jews who have in these last days come to a knowledge of who
Messiah is and that many more will be drawn to Jesus knowing that He is the promised Holy One of Israel for the safety of the politicians and those who travel to other Countries in a diplomatic capacity,
We ask Your cover for Jewish people everywhere but especially those in the Middle East and other Muslim countries, as they go about their daily lives, we pray this Lord for Your Church, Your Bride, also.
Lord when Moses held up his arms and prayed in the day of battle in the wilderness, You were with him and heard his prayer...we pray that the soldiers of Israel will call on You during these days of war and Lord that You will hear their prayer and give them Your strong right arm.
Thank YOU for the many Miracles which YOU have shown to Israel at this time
as YOUR People call upon YOU for guidance, strength and Comfort
LORD JESUS we pray for Your soon return for Your Church but also to Your chosen People Israel, Maranatha. In Your Holy Name, Lord we pray for the enemies of Israel, that You Lord will have mercy on them, that they may not be lost to eternal fire, that even a few of them may have a change of heart and be saved….Amen.
Pray for our sick and injured, that Our Lord in His infinite mercy, in answer to our prayers and requests made in faith and belief, would stretch HIS hand out to those suffering the pains and ills of this world and heal them, to the Glory of HIs Name.
And as always we pray for the Bride of Christ, for unity, for the truth of Your Word to be preached by Faithful Preacher and Teachers, Men who fear YOU, LORD and seek only YOUR glory in these days, and that the apathy so evident today will be wiped away.
In Your Holy Name we pray for each other, no matter who, no matter where, for the joy of our Salvation and the Peace that passes all understanding.
Lord, we thank You for all Your Blessings showered upon a disobedient and rebellious people…Thank You for Your mercy and grace poured out on us all.....
So call on Him who is King of Israel,
" Pray for the peace of Jerusalem and the people of Israel".
To Him who rules our lives, be the Power, the Honour and the Glory forever
Maranatha ~~~ Come Soon LORD JESUS.
"Ask and you shall receive, seek and you will find , Knock and it shall be open to you.
For all who ask receives, and he who seeks finds and to him who knocks
the door shall be open to him". Matthew 7:7~8
So LORD JESUS we say.....
Thy kingdom come, Thy Will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven
The whole Earth has need of our prayers in these days.
Pray for the true Church of God that we may be found ready and waiting for our God and Bridegroom the
Lord Jesus when He comes to bring to Resurrection those who have gone before us and the taking up of we
who are left awake at His coming.
Pray for our dear Brothers and Sisters who are coming out of the darkness of false religions and
belief systems into the Glorious Light of His Love and Salvation.
Pray for the protection of those who spread HIS glorious Word in LIGHT, from oppression and
the ministrations of the enemy.
Pray for the brave souls who work in the field, planting the Churches in Northern India , China, Iran, and
so many other Nations in this World
We pray for endurance, courage, patience, and the mighty provision of God to be poured out on them,
and on all who labour for the Salvation of Souls in this World today.
We also ask in the Lord Jesus Name that You, Lord God of Heaven and Earth would be a hedge and a
protection for them and for all who do Your work Lord, that in the day of persecution and strife we may
all standup under the onslaught and be faithful, tireless witnesses to the world in Your Name and for Your
But you, beloved, building yourselves up on your most holy faith, praying in the Holy Spirit. Jude 1:20
We pray that those who are enemies of the Word and who would oppress Your people Lord and
bring them to trial and torture, because of their love for Jesus.
That these very enemies may see the Light because of the love and strength of these Dear Ones and also be
Pray for the Church which belongs to GOD which is under attack in these days from the evil one who would
bring down Christ's Church and render it useless and ineffectual, through false teachers, false Shepherds
and wolves. They who come to tear to kill and to destroy so that there would not be a Spiritual
Inheritance belonging to the LORD JESUS to take Home to be with HIM where HE is in our FATHER'S
Pray for the soon return of Messiah Jesus for His Church, His Bride,
and for the Marriage Supper of the Lamb...
Maranatha, even so, come Lord Jesus .
Pray for America at this time and especially for our Christian and Jewish Brothers and Sisters there.
There are hard times coming and we pray that Governments will recognize the peril in which they stand.
Chiefly, because of their opposition to Israel and because of the stance which is taken by their Leaders.
Pray that the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob may open their eyes before it is too late and pray that GOD
will bring their Leaders to repentance also before it is to late for them also.
Let us also pray that the Jews who are living in lands other than Israel, will heed the calling
of God and return in obedience to Israel and not be like those who in disobedience did not return from
Babylon when the 70 Years of their exile was completed....
Don't remain in Babylon...........
Most of all, as we have so often said before, Pray for Israel,
that no weapon forged against her will prosper.
For if Israel fails we will fail too
Consider this, Jesus Messiah is coming to take His Church (The Bride of Christ) out of this world, but He is
coming back to Israel, as their King and the ruler of the whole world.
If Israel is not in the Land, what then? Think about it.
So pray for Israel as a Nation before God, Sovereign and upheld by God.
Pray for the Government of Israel that they remain firm and not come under the sway of the Nations,
especially the USA but stand firm and continue with their righteous war against this enemy, Hamas
Pray for the completion of all things which have been prophesied by God through the Prophets and
the Apostles.
The end of all things is near;
be of sound judgment and sober spirit for the purpose of Prayer.
1 Peter 4:7
God exhorts us to pray, to weary Him with our prayers till He makes Jerusalem a shining light to the
God our Holy God is Sovereign, Holy and all powerful. Lift up your hands in Praise to Him who
Saves and has loved us so much that He sent His one and only Son, Our Lord Jesus, to die in our place
and to pay the price which we had no hope of ever being able to pay.
God Bless you all.
Yours In the Love which only Jesus brings.
Pastor Dennis Brown