Be strong and courageous,
do not be afraid or tremble before them,
for the LORD your GOD is the ONE who goes with you.
HE will not fail you or forsake you. (Deuteronomy 31:6)
You have not received a spirit of slavery leading to fear again,
but you have received a Spirit of adoption as Sons by which
we cry out " ABBA ! FAHTER !" ( Romans 8:15)
LORD GOD, grant we pray that we may continue to serve YOU in YOUR
strength and for YOUR Glory, not having a spirit of fear, but to be of sound
mind that we may be alert and awake with open eyes, testing all that this
World presents to us as their truth, in order that we may discern the signs of
the times, lest we be deceived .
But instead let us wait LORD with joyful hope for the Coming of our
We lift Israel before YOU LORD as we pray for the Peace of Jerusalem
We pray for those hostages who have been released and for those who are still
held hostage in Gaza by these terrorist monsters, and pray that the LORD the
GOD of Israel will shine HIS light upon the Captives and facilitate their return
to their loved ones in Israel and beyond .
Grant LORD that the Government and the Military Forces of Israel will
continue to stand firm and prevail in the face of the unrighteous actions
of the Governments and anti- GOD factions of this World who falsely call
themselves allies of Israel.
We also lift up the Saints who are suffering in this World, we think especially of
the families of those who have lost their lives in Syria. Nigeria, the DM Congo
and so many other places in recent days. LORD we pray let the light of
YOUR mercy and strength shine upon them and we pray YOU will deal with
those who hate YOU and YOUR Church and Israel and deal with them
in accordance with YOUR Word.
Be Strong and of good courage, do not be fearful for the LORD , our GOD never
slumbers nor sleeps.
Maranatha !!! Perhaps Today.
16 FEBRUARY 2025